
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Work in Progress Wednesday v.76

Hey, y'all!  Welcome to Not-So-Much-Progress Wednesday!  Mr. Right has been so kind as to pass along his creeping crud to me over the last week, so there's not been a whole lotta knitting going on around here lately.  Just lots of sniffling, grumbling and the tiniest bit of whining.  And I haven't been much of a prize to be around either. (Kidding!  No, really...)

Anyway, Lorna Suzanne has a collar now, and I'm getting ready to pick up the button band tonight. 

I best get with it and find some buttons so I know what size to make the button holes.  Suggestions, anyone?  I'm thinking something simple and pewter-ish or dark shell, but am open to ideas (or links!) if you'd care to toss any out there.

The sock is marginally bigger...

though it only got worked on while the Broncos were being decimated in New England on Saturday night.  Yikes, that was an unpleasant game for us Colorado folks.  Good season, though!  Thankfully, I'm still loving both the pattern and the yarn. 

Finally.  Finally, there is some mitten attached to my epic cuff.  It's not much mitten, but it's there, and it's growing. Slowly.  At this point, though, I'll take whatever forward motion I can get on these.

Mr. Right was very proud of his artsy fartsy mitten photo, and was very sure you would all appreciate it.  So here it is, in all its glory.

Personally, I like the "Look!  A flower!" pic myself, but I might be biased.

At this point, I'm kind of dying to finish something, so I'm focusing on the last bits of sweater now.  Once I get there, I hope I'll relax a little, but I'm already itching to get that Idlewood going.  And the mitten finished.  And the sock...

For now, I think I'll just go bask in the warm glow of too much cough medicine and other people's successes at WIPW.


  1. Everything looks great! I love your sweater. You'll be done before you know it.
    I hope you feel better. It always seems like when I catch a cold from my husband I always have it 100 times worse than he did.

  2. I love the arty mitten shot! And it does appear that have mitten attached to the cuff, so I'd count it as a success ;)

  3. I think dark shell buttons would look great.
    Wouldn't a big statue just like your mitten in Mr. Right's artsy shot be amazing? Hmmm, I don't even have the cough medicine excuse for that crazy thought.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  4. That mitten is looking great! Don't worry, you'll get a project done very soon!

  5. That is really fabulous mitten, I can't wait to see how it progresses. Your sweater is fabulous too, and so close to done!

  6. The mitten looks very interesting, and very difficult. The sweater looks awesome. Sorry to hear you're under the weather and hope you feel better soon.

  7. Mmmm cough syrup. Get well soon!

  8. Lots of pretty projects! I think shell buttons would look very nice on your sweater. Duckies is on my list of socks to do this year. Looking forward to seeing your mitten progress. Feel better soon.

  9. The sweater looks great! And I like the artsy-fartsy mitten pic...actually it makes your project look very complicated with all those needles prominent in the pic! :-)

    Feel better! I've got a lovely cold right now too and am not enjoying it at all!

  10. Look a flower! Love that mitten! Feel better soon :)

  11. I love love love that mitten.

    and I love the photo. Very artistic.

    Thank you so much for the lovely message on my blog. You are an absolute gem. I had a lovely birthday and have been out for dinner twice already.
    Hubby is back tomorrow :) SO excited.
    take care gorgeous. xxxx

  12. Oh I hope you'll feel better soon. The mittens is cute - love the colors. I'm looking forward to seeing how it'll be!

  13. Hee hee! Not So Much Progress is exactly why I didn't post today...last week you saw a sweater with one arm, now there's another one...just like the other one.... =) I love the artsy mitten picture...kinda makes the mitten look dangerous, like a Dalek or something. =)

  14. LOL Artsy Fartsy LOL I love your sweater, it's very pretty!

  15. The mitten is beautiful. It might have been a battle to get to this point, but it looks so worth it!

  16. That sweater is looking good! I really love the color of your sock, too.
