
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Work In Progress Wednesday v.4

Welcome back to Work In Progress Wednesday, where we all get to boast about our progress for the week and check up on everyone else's projects.  Gotta say, a few weeks in and I really look forward to seeing what everyone's been up to -- and I'm adding loads more projects to my Ravelry queue and favorites.

This week has been a busy one for me on lots of fronts.  How's my progress so far on the Avast sweater I'm knitting for Mr. Right?  See for yourself:

Ooh!  Look how far I've gotten in just 7 short days.  Remarkable!

And now, let's take a peek at how those Hedgerow Socks are coming along, shall we?  Here's where we are now:

Fabulous!  It's amazing how much one can accomplish when one puts one's mind to it, isn't it?  As you can see, I'm awfully proud of my progress.

Finally, let's have a look see at how that family photo archiving project is progressing.  That one's been percolating for quite a while now.  I'm sure it must be nearly complete...

Or, maybe I just chucked it all and stuck my nose into the last of the Hunger Games trilogy -- just released after a looooooong year of waiting. Actually, I scored an advance of book #2 at Book Expo last year so I had to wait even longer than everyone else to find out how it all turns out.

In all honesty, if you're not familiar with these books, go find them and read them.  Technically they're for kids, but they're incredibly compelling adventures.  Super fun.  And don't be put off by the jacket copy.  I never read stuff like this and I can't put them down (obviously). 

And really, it's not as bad as all that.  I have almost a whole sleeve of Avast finished.  Honest.  It just didn't seem very photo-worthy.  I promise to behave myself next week.  I get Mr. Right back tomorrow night, and we're heading off on a camping trip on Friday morning, so I expect it to be quiet around here for a few days.  See y'all on the flip side, and happy reading knitting!


  1. You crack me up! I solved the knitting vs reading problem by using Overdrive Audio...has been a life (read knitting) saver

  2. Oh man, I'm a HUGE Hunger Games fan! Let me know if you want to talk about Mockingjay! I finished it a few days ago.

  3. Hello,
    I found your blog through a comment you made in a forum on Ravelry. Your family mysteries are really interesting. You may be interested in a site called Sepia Saturday. Every Saturday, readers of the blog link up to a post and share their old family photos, and sometimes mysteries and recent discoveries about family history. I am sure they would be interested to hear and see your stuff! I don't really have any mysteries but usually post an old photo in my blog on Saturdays and then link up. You can check it out if you are interested

    I am following you now, and will be back to check out how your detective work is going!

  4. I am also a huge Hunger Games fan, but haven't read Mockingjay yet! For shame, I know! I'm a middle school librarian, and my students are SO excited for me to get this book in the library.

    (Hi, by the way! Found your blog through Ravelry : ) )

  5. i love your sense of humor:) very funny:) i went to our local library and actually found 2 regular books and 3!!! knitting books! i can't decide between reading or knitting recently in my very very spare time! :)

  6. Wow, what an amazing place you visited ! :-)
